
I had a great discussion with Susan Reed on Women’s Radio. We spoke about the stigma of therapy in our communities today, issue of divorce, children, and the hope that is possible for those suffering with mental illness.
To listen to a more condensed version of the clip:

Holidays can be a confusing time and filled with different emotions. This is especially true when there is a divorce and children are involved. Learn practical ways to help alleviate some of the stress and build helpful coping tools.

I had a wonderful teleconference about the children in our community and the great need for positive role models. Listen to the radio segment by clicking the link above.
To listen to the specific segments where I answer questions about helping our children today, see the below time stamps:
How can mentorship help children? @8:43-10:54
Why use organization to help mentor our children why not use relatives? @15:30-19:25
How do these children prosper? What helps them through the challenges when they are with a mentor? @31:02-33:40
How do you define prosperity for these children? @34:52-36:48

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