Premarital Counseling
The thought of marriage is very exciting yet it can also bring up fears, doubts, and concerns.
I work with dating couples, cohabitating couples, and engaged couples for premarital therapy.
- Couple/Relationship Counseling can address:
- Learning how to become teammates (“ It always feels like a fight. I’m tired of it.”)
- Improving communication (“We just yell at each other and nothing gets resolved… or we completely ignore each other and do the eye rolling.”)
- Trust issues (I just can’t trust anymore… I feel like things are being hidden from me…”)
- Pre-marital counseling (“I want to be sure we are on the right path. I want this to be right.”)
- Financial issues (“We don’t agree when it comes to money. I feel controlled… We barely have money to pay the bills. It’s so stressful…”)
- Intimacy issues (“I don’t feel that connection anymore. We barely even kiss”)
- Household management (“I do everything in the house… I am so tired from work and I just don’t have the energy to do anything…She just doesn’t care!”)
- Parenting Young Children (“I do it all alone…! We are not on the same side when it comes to parenting and our kids take advantage of that…! We are sleep deprived and barely go out!”)
Together we can work on these issues in your relationship and be better prepared for a married life together. I can help you both. Call me for a free phone consultation and to set up an appointment.